Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski, Gospodin Iliev
ISSN: 1312 773X (Online)
Issue: 2014, vol. 20, issue 2
Subject Collection: Medicine
Pages: 506-509
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2014202.506
Published online: 27 June 2014

J of IMAB 2014 Jan-Jun;20(2):506-509
Maria Kazakova1, Petar Nikolov2, Kiril Simitchiev3, Fedya Nikolov2, Victoria Sarafian1Corresponding Autor.
1) Department of Medical Biology, Medical Faculty, Medical University - Plovdiv,
2) Department of Cardiology, Medical Faculty, Medical University - Plovdiv,
3) Department of Analytical Chemistry and Computer Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Inflammatory processes are involved in the pathogenesis and development of chronic heart disease. The promising novel inflammatory biomarker YKL-40 is related to the degree of inflammation and pathological tissue remodeling.
The aim of this study was to determine serum YKL-40 levels in patients with chronic heart failure and to evaluate the potential  relationship with ultrasonography findings.
Forty-three individuals were enrolled in the study – 24 patients (10 females and 14 males) with chronic heart failure, aged 70±11 (mean ± standard deviation) and 16 healthy people as age-matched controls (above 50 years). The serum YKL-40 levels were assessed by ELISA. Sonographic measurements such as two-dimensional, Power wave, Continuous Wave, Colour mode and M-Mode were performed using a diagnostic ultrasound system (PHILIPS Ultrasound, Washington, US) with a L11-3 probe of 3-11 MHz.  The six minute walk test was used to assess functional capability of patients.
Our study revealed significantly higher serum YKL-40 levels in patients compared to the control group (P=0.010).  No relation was found between the glycoprotein and the results from the ultrasonographic and functional examination.
We suppose that increased serum YKL-40 levels in patients with chronic heart failure might reflect the inflammatory route in the development of the disease.

Key words: YKL-40, chronic heart failure, biomarker,

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Please cite this article as:
Kazakova M, Nikolov P, Simitchiev K, Nikolov F, Sarafian V. SERUM YKL-40 LEVELS IN CHRONIC HEART FAILURE. J of IMAB. 2014 Jan-Jun;20(2):506-509. doi: 10.5272/jimab.2014202.506.

Correspondence to: Dr. Victoria Sarafian, Department of Biology, Medical University – Plovdiv; 15a, Vasil Aprilov Blvd., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria; E-mail:

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Received: 16 April 2014
Published online: 27 June 2014

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