Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.
1312-773X (Online)
2022, vol. 28, issue2
Subject Area:
Dental Medicine
Published online: 05 April 2022
Original article
J of IMAB. 2022 Apr-Jun;28(2):4325-4329
Spartak Yanakiev1 , Bozhidar Yordanov2, Mirela Marinova-Takorova3,
1) Medical College "Y. Filaretova", Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
2) Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
3) Department of Conservative Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.
Purpose: This study investigates the hydrofluoric acid etching patterns and the surface morphology of three types of glass-ceramic materials.
Materials and methods: Hydrofluoric acid etching patterns and surface morphology changes of three silica-based ceramics - EX-3, E.max press, and Heraceram press were studied. Fourteen rectangular experimental bodies with a cross-section of 2x2mm and a length of 5-7 mm were divided into two groups(n=7): polished (control group) and etched (5% hydrofluoric acid). Etching time was 120s in EX-3 (EXHF) and Heraceram press (HHF) groups and 20s in E.max press group (EHF). Surface morphology was observed under a scanning electron microscope at magnifications ranging from x50 to x2700.
Results: The presence of numerous pores and channels as a result of the etching procedure was observed in all ceramic materials. In the EXHF group, irregularly shaped structures and canals with a width of 10-20µm characterize the ceramic surface. At higher magnifications, microwells with a size of 1-2 µm and channels with a length of 5-10 µm were observed. In the EHF group, lithium disilicate crystals with different orientations and the glassy phase dissolved between them can be seen. Channels with a wavy course and a length of about 5 µm are also observed. In the HHF group, 5-20µm cavernous-like formations surrounded by partially dissolved channels can be seen.
Conclusions: Each ceramic material showed different etching patterns due to the material's composition and the distribution of the crystalline and vitreous phases.
Keywords: Hydrofluoric acid, silica-based ceramics, glass ceramics, lithiadisilicate, surface morphology,
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Please cite this article as: Yanakiev S, Yordanov B, Marinova-Takorova M. Hydrofluoric acid etching patterns and surface morphology of three silica-based ceramic materials. J of IMAB. 2022 Jan-Mar;28(1):4325-4329. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2022282.4325
Correspondence to: Spartak Yanakiev, Medical College "Y. Filaretova", Medical University – Sofia; 3, Yordanka Filaretova Str., Sofia, Bulgaria; E-mail:
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Received: 16 August 2021
Published online: 05 April 2022
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